
Tenfoot House, Glossop, Derbyshire, SK13 7AJ

  • Unconditional Online Auction Sale
  • Guide Price * : £425,000 Plus fees

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For sale by Unconditional Online Auction.
On behalf of Impey & Co Auction - Stockport

  • 0.6 acres with warehouse and land
  • Ideal investment/development opportunity
  • Close proximity to amenities
  • EPC Rating: Awaited

Property Description

For sale by Unconditional Online Auction.
On behalf of Impey & Co Auction - Stockport

An investment/development opportunity in the centre of Glossop with 0.6 acres with warehouse and land.

The warehouse and piece of land is situated just off Surrey Street, which is accessed off High Street West, in Glossop Town Centre. The property is down the road from the Tesco Superstore and Wrens Nest retail Park which includes occupiers such as Next PLC, Argos and Wickes.

The site is currently fully let to two separate tenants, comprising of one warehouse split into two. To the right hand side, unit one, The Whistle Stop Play Cafe(childrens play centre) currently let at £11,500 per annum on full repairing and insuring terms. Unit two, which is to the left hand side of the site as you look at it from a birds eye view is currently let, trading as Glossop Firewood and Fuel Suppliers, on full repairing and insuring terms at £11,000 per annum. We have been advised that both tenants are holding over.

Unit One Ground Floor 2,630 square foot
Mezzanine 814 square foot
Total 3,444 square foot
Unit Two Ground Floor 2,446 square foot
First Floor 108 square foot
Total 2,554 square foot
Total Site Area Approximately 0.6 acres
Note Please be advised that the auctioneers have not personally inspected the property. Prospective buyers are advised to make a viewing enquiry and any other necessary independent enquiries before placing their bid, as this will be binding.
Draft Sales Details These sales details are awaiting vendor approval.

Tenure: Freehold

EPC Rating: Awaited

Auction Details:

The sale of this property will take place on the stated date by way of Timed Auction and is being sold as Unconditional with Variable Fee (England and Wales).

Binding contracts of sale will be exchanged at the point of sale.

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